Clarke Auction concluded its strongest summer season with its September 14 sale — one of its highest grossing auctions ever, according to founder and owner Ronan Clarke. "We had a fine July, a typically strong August, but the September auction was the topper — [it ranks] among our top five general sales in 11 years," he said.
The auction's top lot was a sleeper — a glass bowl, estimated at $100/150, that turned out to be a circa 1905 Tiffany piece that sold at $28,200. The piece, a mystery to the consignor with heavy wear obscuring any marks, had been pulled by Clarke from a stack of kitchen mixing bowls. He joined it with a Baccarat vase and gave the lot that low estimate. Six in-house bidders competed, with multiple phones with the bowl and a vase finally hammering down to a dealer in the room. "The buyer for the bowl got a Baccarat vase thrown in for his $28,200!" said Tom Curran of Clarke Auction.
The trade also took home a Tiffany Studios counterbalance lamp base, estimated at $600/900, for $2,350. A vintage Tiffany-style lamp and shade, estimated at $300/500, realized $2,700, whereas a similar lamp sold for just $300 in the very next lot.
Asian decorative arts were also strong as the auction coincided with Asia Week in New York City. A pair of Chinese vases as lamps realized $1,645; Asian lidded jars sold for $940 versus an estimate of $300/500; and a lot of two Chinese vases, with an estimate of $300/400, ended up at $1,116.