The piano music drifting out into the street let passersby know that Sunday services were in session. The white wooden frame building had a basement below and a steeple above, but its most endearing detail was the stained glass panels that arched over the upper windows. It was a touch of elegance, and perhaps even extravagance, for a simple house of worship in the little Plains community.
I differ with those who say that the citizens of rural America aren't great lovers of art. If art has meaning, it has value and is appreciated. In churches of all denominations, the beauty of stained glass brings comfort to those both inside and out. Even people of meager means, who face a hard life every day, can find great joy in colored light that gives off a holy meaning.
How is it that a pane of glass can become a religious icon? It starts with an idea and moves to technology and labor before ending as a self-illuminating illustration of our faith and founding. Those who do the work are often unknown; the task is tedious, but the result is breathtaking. The work parallels that of farmers as the dream of a field of grain is brought to life by technology and labor and, some would argue, with the direction of God's hand.
Stained glass has a long history in Europe that caused it to be incorporated in churches and pubic buildings in America. The most noted artist of the Midwest, Grant Wood, created a stained glass window that many consider his finest work, even surpassing his famous painting "American Gothic." The veterans' memorial window (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) took much study, development work in Germany and two years of labor. It was a tribute to the struggle of all American wars, measuring 24 by 20 feet, with life-size soldiers from the Revolutionary War to the Great War (World War I) lined up across its base. Above is a towering figure of a woman as a symbol of the republic. When it was unveiled in 1929, the newspaper account said: "A woman in Grecian robes of lavender with pale rose cast, standing 16 feet tall with toes pointing down as she floats in the clouds, giving the spiritual effect achieved in many of the Renaissance paintings. On her head is a mourning veil of blue. In her right hand, she holds the palm branch of peace and in her left the laurel of victory."
Churches use stained glass to display the life and death of Jesus and the images of saints but also to show the wonders of life and the work of man. In Union City, Okla., the Catholic Church has a stained glass panel showing a rising head of wheat wrapped with a banner. It is a fitting tribute to the crop that brought people to the land and supports them to this day. Many windows have borders that symbolize stalks of corn or fields of hay as recognition of the honored profession of agriculture.
The enduring beauty of stained glass, especially the leaded windows of the past century, hold their value and often survive longer than the church. Many are sought by new churches, like religious icons, to adorn a modern structure and link our past and present.
Stained glass looks best from a distance. Close inspection often diminishes the effect of merged images that are so vibrant from afar. Perhaps the small pieces or uneven colors are like our daily lives-- when taken singly, they are fractured, but observed as a body of work, they are brilliant.
As a photographer, I often try to capture a window and find it one of the easiest photos to take. Just get on the dark side and let the window send the light to you. Still, it can't compare to the mood I can attain by sitting in a darkened sanctuary and studying the images and representations from top to bottom. There is a feeling of holiness and history all placed in front of me, to absorb all at once or in repeated visits.
Chuck Yarborough gets perspective on stained-glass artistry
I go to baseball games with H.G. Wells. The instant I hear the ball pop into a mitt, I'm 12 years old, back behind the plate, trying to catch Eddie Boles' 200 mph fastball (hey, it seemed that fast to me!).
No matter where I sit, I see a game through the bars on a catcher's mask. For me, anyway, it's the best way to spend an afternoon at the Church of Baseball.
And now, thanks to Mary Zodnik and Ben Parsons, partners in Azure Stained Glass in Cleveland's Collinwood neighborhood, I'm going to have the same feelings Sunday when I step into St. Therese in Garfield Heights and scope out the Stations of the Cross in stained glass on either side of the sanctuary.
Mary, Ben and I worked on our suntans on the roof of Central Congregational Church in Madison. It's a venerable church whose members first congregated in the mid-1800s. The current structure is "only" about 110 years old.
Mary and Ben have been restoring the stained-glass windows there for a couple of years. If you could see windows like that up close and personal, you'd really appreciate the artistry in them -- and the difficulty of the profession Mary and Ben have been in for 20 years or so.
The two windows we worked on were not the largest in the building but are among the more intricate.
They're each about 2½ feet wide and 12 feet tall. The bigger windows -- probably the size of a Parma bungalow -- are all "mirror-image" windows with repeating patterns, like butterfly wings.
The two we spent our day on are NOT mirror images. Each piece of glass is uniquely shaped. That's a problem. But not nearly as much a problem as finding the exact colors and textures to replace broken or cracked pieces.
Yes, I said textures. Some of the glass -- and I'm thinking in particular of the blue pieces that fade from one side to the other like layers of an evening sky deepening into space -- have raised rivulets of striation throughout them. Glass like that has not been made for a hundred years in this country.
Germany and France have some, but the odds of an exact match are about the same as Shaquille O'Neal hitting a hundred free throws in a row. Maybe even worse.
Each of the pieces in this rainbow of glass is held in place by lead. Ben said he thought lead-lined stained glass weighs about 4 pounds per square foot, but he didn't want to be held to that number. I found an online estimate of about 3 pounds per square foot. Either way, you've got 90 to 120 pounds of glass jigsaw puzzle hanging in one place for more than a century.
The life of a well-made stained-glass window -- and the ones at Central are extremely well made -- is about 100 years, so we were right on time.
But what didn't help was the addition of Plexiglas "coverings" on the outside of the sills. Designed to protect the stained glass, it actually has the reverse effect; it traps heat and air inside, working against the joists. Plus, weather opaques even the best Plexiglas, defeating the purpose of a stained-glass window.
So you can see why such care has to be taken when removing a stained-glass window, which, by the way, is never in your conventional sill; it's always uniquely shaped, usually scalloped and waaaaaaay off the ground.
The first step is chipping away all the putty holding the window in place. That's done with a utility knife, a hammer and a lot of patience. Next, the window is taped all around on the border glass -- if you'll notice, nearly all stained-glass windows have inch-wide strips of glass all around them, which allows for give and take.
It's also the most likely place for a window to break, and rectangular strips are a WHOLE lot easier to replace than pieces an amoeba might see and holler, "Mom!"
Then the window is taped in a grid, like a masking-tape checkerboard. Surprisingly, as fragile as the windows are, this taping usually holds it together. But lifting the window out of the sill and moving it to the A-frame carryall in the back of Mary's truck definitely is the diciest part of the job.
I didn't get to do the restoration work on the glass itself. Just removing those windows was an all-day job. Mary said the shop work exceeds the time in the shop by about 8:1.
Once in the studio, she and Ben -- both of whom have art backgrounds, he in painting and she in ceramics -- will wash, restore and, if necessary, replace the glass. All the old lead is removed, and the puzzle is soldered back together with new lead. Then it's back to the job site to rehang and reputty the window to ensure a water- and airtight barrier.
Which you will have -- providing no one comes around and hollers, "Play ball!"
Chuck Yarborough is moonlighting at a variety of unusual, scary and dirty jobs.
No matter where I sit, I see a game through the bars on a catcher's mask. For me, anyway, it's the best way to spend an afternoon at the Church of Baseball.
And now, thanks to Mary Zodnik and Ben Parsons, partners in Azure Stained Glass in Cleveland's Collinwood neighborhood, I'm going to have the same feelings Sunday when I step into St. Therese in Garfield Heights and scope out the Stations of the Cross in stained glass on either side of the sanctuary.
Mary, Ben and I worked on our suntans on the roof of Central Congregational Church in Madison. It's a venerable church whose members first congregated in the mid-1800s. The current structure is "only" about 110 years old.
Mary and Ben have been restoring the stained-glass windows there for a couple of years. If you could see windows like that up close and personal, you'd really appreciate the artistry in them -- and the difficulty of the profession Mary and Ben have been in for 20 years or so.
The two windows we worked on were not the largest in the building but are among the more intricate.
They're each about 2½ feet wide and 12 feet tall. The bigger windows -- probably the size of a Parma bungalow -- are all "mirror-image" windows with repeating patterns, like butterfly wings.
The two we spent our day on are NOT mirror images. Each piece of glass is uniquely shaped. That's a problem. But not nearly as much a problem as finding the exact colors and textures to replace broken or cracked pieces.
Yes, I said textures. Some of the glass -- and I'm thinking in particular of the blue pieces that fade from one side to the other like layers of an evening sky deepening into space -- have raised rivulets of striation throughout them. Glass like that has not been made for a hundred years in this country.
Germany and France have some, but the odds of an exact match are about the same as Shaquille O'Neal hitting a hundred free throws in a row. Maybe even worse.
Each of the pieces in this rainbow of glass is held in place by lead. Ben said he thought lead-lined stained glass weighs about 4 pounds per square foot, but he didn't want to be held to that number. I found an online estimate of about 3 pounds per square foot. Either way, you've got 90 to 120 pounds of glass jigsaw puzzle hanging in one place for more than a century.
The life of a well-made stained-glass window -- and the ones at Central are extremely well made -- is about 100 years, so we were right on time.
But what didn't help was the addition of Plexiglas "coverings" on the outside of the sills. Designed to protect the stained glass, it actually has the reverse effect; it traps heat and air inside, working against the joists. Plus, weather opaques even the best Plexiglas, defeating the purpose of a stained-glass window.
So you can see why such care has to be taken when removing a stained-glass window, which, by the way, is never in your conventional sill; it's always uniquely shaped, usually scalloped and waaaaaaay off the ground.
The first step is chipping away all the putty holding the window in place. That's done with a utility knife, a hammer and a lot of patience. Next, the window is taped all around on the border glass -- if you'll notice, nearly all stained-glass windows have inch-wide strips of glass all around them, which allows for give and take.
It's also the most likely place for a window to break, and rectangular strips are a WHOLE lot easier to replace than pieces an amoeba might see and holler, "Mom!"
Then the window is taped in a grid, like a masking-tape checkerboard. Surprisingly, as fragile as the windows are, this taping usually holds it together. But lifting the window out of the sill and moving it to the A-frame carryall in the back of Mary's truck definitely is the diciest part of the job.
I didn't get to do the restoration work on the glass itself. Just removing those windows was an all-day job. Mary said the shop work exceeds the time in the shop by about 8:1.
Once in the studio, she and Ben -- both of whom have art backgrounds, he in painting and she in ceramics -- will wash, restore and, if necessary, replace the glass. All the old lead is removed, and the puzzle is soldered back together with new lead. Then it's back to the job site to rehang and reputty the window to ensure a water- and airtight barrier.
Which you will have -- providing no one comes around and hollers, "Play ball!"
Chuck Yarborough is moonlighting at a variety of unusual, scary and dirty jobs.
Stained Glass Artist
BOB ABERNETHY: We have a story about the art of making a stained glass window, an art that enriched cathedrals long ago and is still very much alive today. Bob Faw has a report on a stained glass artist in Florida who talks about how a window is made — and why.
BOB FAW: In his Orlando, Florida studio, Jim Piercey, along with a handful of skilled artisans, carries on a 1,500-year-old tradition: creating — indeed celebrating — with color and glass not just beautiful stained glass windows but something more.
JIM PIERCEY (Stained Glass Artist): People have told me that my windows have helped them come closer to God, and if that’s what my windows do, then I consider the windows a success.

FAW: Stained glass — that is glass which has been painted then fired, which has graced the great cathedrals and private chapels — stained glass enriches an inner life, said one historian, with its own richness. Since 1981, Jim Piercey has completed nearly 400 works of stained glass, from a chapel in a wooded retreat to a Sunday school in a community started by Walt Disney, to this spectacular rose window in St Michael’s Episcopal Church in Orlando.
Reverend ROGER HAMILTON (Rector, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church): The objective, of course, in all things is to glorify God, but also to use it as a teaching vessel.
FAW: So many biblical stories in these windows — some well known, others less so — that every week Father Hamilton brings pre-schoolers here to study.
Rev. HAMILTON: We see, for example, also that wonderful story of Rahab lowering the spies of Israel out of Jericho and saving their lives.
FAW: To be successful, Jim Piercey says a stained glass window must fit with the personality of its church. But according to art historian Richard Gross, stained class which truly succeeds can do far more.

RICHARD GROSS (Stained Glass Association of America): If the stained glass is well designed and well executed, it’s going to lift your mind to God and to provide a way to encounter God and to grow in spirituality and understanding of the Christian faith.
FAW: The process of making stained glass is painstaking, even tedious. For Jim Piercey it begins at the drafting table, making a “cartoon.”
Mr. PIERCEY: So, basically, making a cartoon is drafting a full-size drawing. So if we are doing a window 20 feet by 20 feet, I have to draft it 20 feet by 20 feet.
FAW: Much, of course, depends on the glass itself. Piercey’s is all hand-blown in Germany, selected not just for its color but for whether it will transmit light directly or spread it.
Mr. PIERCEY: But this glass is totally transparent. This glass is translucent. This is really good to use if you want to obscure a view like a parking lot or a McDonald’s across the street from the church.
FAW: From the glass that’s selected, every piece is sectioned and numbered to match a corresponding number on the drawing, or cartoon. The glass then carefully painted.
Mr. PIERCEY: This glass is being stained. These are actually called glass-painter stains.
FAW: Then into a furnace, or kiln, heated precisely to 1,250 degrees, where paint fuses onto the glass.

Mr. PIERCEY: Once this glass comes out of the kiln and is cooled, that’s permanent. I mean, it’s there for 800 years.
FAW: Later, as he’s done for the last 58 years, Helmut Schardt glazes the panel using pliable lead strips to piece the sections of glass together.
Mr. PIERCEY: The lead is shaped like an “H,” and it has channels on either side. The channels receive the glass.
FAW: Finally the panels are covered with sawdust, a mild abrasive, and are buffed or polished to a brilliant sheen.
Mr. PIERCEY: Because it’s mouth-blown, handmade glass, these striations make that piece of glass sparkle.
FAW: Completed, Piercey’s stained glass does more than dazzle. At Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lake Mary, Florida, parishioners asked him to create a dove — not descending as in most church windows, but ascending.
Pastor PAUL HOYER (Holy Cross Lutheran Church): The idea would be that as you look at the dove, your eyes would go up. When we think of the dove going up, we think of the spirit of man and that spirit connected with the Holy Spirit — ultimately connected for eternity with the spirit of God.
FAW: What Piercey has done here, says Hoyer, is to encourage worship.
Pastor HOYER: And this is where I like to pray. I like to sit right in the very center where I can see all of the glass, and the presence of God comes to me in that way. For me personally it’s just a great worship experience.
FAW: In all his stained glass there are similarities, each very labor-intensive and time-consuming. But each window is unique, and while some symbols are traditional — a lion for the Apostle Mark, an ox for Luke — those doves are another matter. Jim Piercey has done hundreds of them, and each one is different.
Mr. PIERCEY: You can depict a dove like it’s almost like a photograph, or you can abstract a dove to where you can barely tell that it’s a dove. While they’re thinking about that dove, what that dove is doing to them is taking their mind away from the economy, from political situations. It just gives them a brief moment in time where they can contemplate something greater than they are.
FAW: All this from what began as a hobby for a 62-year-old former high school biology and chemistry teacher who was raised as a rock-ribbed Methodist and who will tell you that though he is unaffiliated with any denomination he, like his work, has evolved spiritually.
(to Piercey): You said your windows allow people to have access to something greater than themselves.
Mr. PIERCEY: Yeah.
FAW: That’s the way you see what you do?
Mr. PIERCEY: I would say a lot of my work is spiritual. I’m spiritual, because I’m not preaching, you know, I’m not proselytizing. What I’m trying to do is interpret what their faith says.
FAW: You see the windows as being, almost fulfilling a priestly function, I gather?
Mr. PIERCEY: For a lot of artists, liturgical artists, stained glass or sculptures or tapestries, it’s their ministry.
FAW: Yes, it is enormously expensive, and lead, so essential here, is widely considered an environmental hazard. But those who uphold the tradition say the practice of stained glass is flourishing now and that it always will.
Mr. GROSS: People want to surround themselves with beauty, so just as churches will continue to have all sorts of religious art, stained glass will be a major part of that.
FAW: And if stained glass no longer holds the same exalted role that it held in the Middle Ages, both then and now it continues to teach, to inspire, to sooth, even to look beyond.
Mr. PIERCEY: That sunlight comes through those colors with all the texture and the striations and seeds and reams of stained glass. Nothing matches it in beauty.
FAW: Especially in the loving hands of someone for whom all this is more than just pieces of glass.
For RELIGION & ETHICS NEWS WEEKLY, this is Bob Faw in Orlando, Florida.
BOB FAW: In his Orlando, Florida studio, Jim Piercey, along with a handful of skilled artisans, carries on a 1,500-year-old tradition: creating — indeed celebrating — with color and glass not just beautiful stained glass windows but something more.
JIM PIERCEY (Stained Glass Artist): People have told me that my windows have helped them come closer to God, and if that’s what my windows do, then I consider the windows a success.

FAW: Stained glass — that is glass which has been painted then fired, which has graced the great cathedrals and private chapels — stained glass enriches an inner life, said one historian, with its own richness. Since 1981, Jim Piercey has completed nearly 400 works of stained glass, from a chapel in a wooded retreat to a Sunday school in a community started by Walt Disney, to this spectacular rose window in St Michael’s Episcopal Church in Orlando.
Reverend ROGER HAMILTON (Rector, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church): The objective, of course, in all things is to glorify God, but also to use it as a teaching vessel.
FAW: So many biblical stories in these windows — some well known, others less so — that every week Father Hamilton brings pre-schoolers here to study.
Rev. HAMILTON: We see, for example, also that wonderful story of Rahab lowering the spies of Israel out of Jericho and saving their lives.
FAW: To be successful, Jim Piercey says a stained glass window must fit with the personality of its church. But according to art historian Richard Gross, stained class which truly succeeds can do far more.

RICHARD GROSS (Stained Glass Association of America): If the stained glass is well designed and well executed, it’s going to lift your mind to God and to provide a way to encounter God and to grow in spirituality and understanding of the Christian faith.
FAW: The process of making stained glass is painstaking, even tedious. For Jim Piercey it begins at the drafting table, making a “cartoon.”
Mr. PIERCEY: So, basically, making a cartoon is drafting a full-size drawing. So if we are doing a window 20 feet by 20 feet, I have to draft it 20 feet by 20 feet.
FAW: Much, of course, depends on the glass itself. Piercey’s is all hand-blown in Germany, selected not just for its color but for whether it will transmit light directly or spread it.
Mr. PIERCEY: But this glass is totally transparent. This glass is translucent. This is really good to use if you want to obscure a view like a parking lot or a McDonald’s across the street from the church.
FAW: From the glass that’s selected, every piece is sectioned and numbered to match a corresponding number on the drawing, or cartoon. The glass then carefully painted.
Mr. PIERCEY: This glass is being stained. These are actually called glass-painter stains.
FAW: Then into a furnace, or kiln, heated precisely to 1,250 degrees, where paint fuses onto the glass.

Mr. PIERCEY: Once this glass comes out of the kiln and is cooled, that’s permanent. I mean, it’s there for 800 years.
FAW: Later, as he’s done for the last 58 years, Helmut Schardt glazes the panel using pliable lead strips to piece the sections of glass together.
Mr. PIERCEY: The lead is shaped like an “H,” and it has channels on either side. The channels receive the glass.
FAW: Finally the panels are covered with sawdust, a mild abrasive, and are buffed or polished to a brilliant sheen.
Mr. PIERCEY: Because it’s mouth-blown, handmade glass, these striations make that piece of glass sparkle.
FAW: Completed, Piercey’s stained glass does more than dazzle. At Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Lake Mary, Florida, parishioners asked him to create a dove — not descending as in most church windows, but ascending.

FAW: What Piercey has done here, says Hoyer, is to encourage worship.
Pastor HOYER: And this is where I like to pray. I like to sit right in the very center where I can see all of the glass, and the presence of God comes to me in that way. For me personally it’s just a great worship experience.
FAW: In all his stained glass there are similarities, each very labor-intensive and time-consuming. But each window is unique, and while some symbols are traditional — a lion for the Apostle Mark, an ox for Luke — those doves are another matter. Jim Piercey has done hundreds of them, and each one is different.
Mr. PIERCEY: You can depict a dove like it’s almost like a photograph, or you can abstract a dove to where you can barely tell that it’s a dove. While they’re thinking about that dove, what that dove is doing to them is taking their mind away from the economy, from political situations. It just gives them a brief moment in time where they can contemplate something greater than they are.
FAW: All this from what began as a hobby for a 62-year-old former high school biology and chemistry teacher who was raised as a rock-ribbed Methodist and who will tell you that though he is unaffiliated with any denomination he, like his work, has evolved spiritually.
(to Piercey): You said your windows allow people to have access to something greater than themselves.
Mr. PIERCEY: Yeah.
FAW: That’s the way you see what you do?
Mr. PIERCEY: I would say a lot of my work is spiritual. I’m spiritual, because I’m not preaching, you know, I’m not proselytizing. What I’m trying to do is interpret what their faith says.
FAW: You see the windows as being, almost fulfilling a priestly function, I gather?
Mr. PIERCEY: For a lot of artists, liturgical artists, stained glass or sculptures or tapestries, it’s their ministry.
FAW: Yes, it is enormously expensive, and lead, so essential here, is widely considered an environmental hazard. But those who uphold the tradition say the practice of stained glass is flourishing now and that it always will.
Mr. GROSS: People want to surround themselves with beauty, so just as churches will continue to have all sorts of religious art, stained glass will be a major part of that.
FAW: And if stained glass no longer holds the same exalted role that it held in the Middle Ages, both then and now it continues to teach, to inspire, to sooth, even to look beyond.
Mr. PIERCEY: That sunlight comes through those colors with all the texture and the striations and seeds and reams of stained glass. Nothing matches it in beauty.
FAW: Especially in the loving hands of someone for whom all this is more than just pieces of glass.
For RELIGION & ETHICS NEWS WEEKLY, this is Bob Faw in Orlando, Florida.
Stained Glass Portraits of Mao & Other Chinese “Heroes”

Dominic Johnson-Hill, the founder of Plastered T-shirts, got the idea a few months ago to create stained glass portraits of Chinese iconic “heroes.” Five stained glass artists in China were commissioned to create the pieces with each artist choosing their favorite Chinese “hero.” The images that have emerged are striking and so far, Mao (above) was chosen by an artist in Jiangxi, while other “heroes” include Lei Feng and Deng Xiaoping.

Tiffany lamp
A Tiffany lamp is a type of lamp with many different types of glass shade. The most famous was the stained leaded glass lamp. Tiffany lamps are considered part of the Art Nouveau movement.
The first Tiffany lamp was created around 1895. Beautiful in design and intricacy, each lamp was handmade by skilled craftsman, not mass or machine produced. It was not, as had been thought for over 100 years, Louis Comfort Tiffany, but Clara Driscoll who has finally been recognized as the master designer behind the most creative and valuable leaded glass lamps produced by the Tiffany Studios.[1]
Tiffany’s first business venture was an interior design firm in New York, for which he designed stained glass windows.
Most of his lamps can be grouped into one of seven specific categories: Irregular Upper and Lower Border, Favrile, Geometric,Transition to Flowers, Flowered Cone, and Flowered Globe lamps. The Irregular Upper and Lower Border lamps carry an openwork crown edge that helps to stimulate a branch, tree, or shrubbery. The Favrile category, which means handcrafted, identifies the first lamps Tiffany made with this label. His initials LCT, later replaced the Favrile stamp. The Geometric category, done primarily by the male craftsman, speaks for itself. The Tiffany craftsman used geometric shapes such as triangles, squares, rectangles, and ovals to form these patterns for these lamps. Next is the Transition to Flowers group, which is subdivided into the Flowered Cone and Globe lamps. All of these lamps follow a nature, or botanical, design using flowers, dragonflies, spiders with webs, butterflies, and peacock feathers. The difference within these two smaller categories is the difference in the lamp shapes, basically a cone and a globe.
Aside from their categorization every lamp is prepared by using the Copper Foil method. First a pattern for the lamp is drawn out on a heavy piece of cardboard. Next a number and glass color is written on the pattern piece. After the pattern is drawn and labeled, the glass is laid over it and traced. Once the pattern is traced onto the glass, the pieces can be cut and ground to their correct shape. Next the pieces need to be cleaned so the copper foil can be applied to the edges. The copper foil solution allows the pieces to adhere together. After the lamp has been placed accordingly and it is fully bonded, the edges need to be soldered together for a firm hold. Finally after the lamp has been soldered it is cleaned to bring out its beauty.
The first Tiffany lamp was created around 1895. Beautiful in design and intricacy, each lamp was handmade by skilled craftsman, not mass or machine produced. It was not, as had been thought for over 100 years, Louis Comfort Tiffany, but Clara Driscoll who has finally been recognized as the master designer behind the most creative and valuable leaded glass lamps produced by the Tiffany Studios.[1]
Tiffany’s first business venture was an interior design firm in New York, for which he designed stained glass windows.
Most of his lamps can be grouped into one of seven specific categories: Irregular Upper and Lower Border, Favrile, Geometric,Transition to Flowers, Flowered Cone, and Flowered Globe lamps. The Irregular Upper and Lower Border lamps carry an openwork crown edge that helps to stimulate a branch, tree, or shrubbery. The Favrile category, which means handcrafted, identifies the first lamps Tiffany made with this label. His initials LCT, later replaced the Favrile stamp. The Geometric category, done primarily by the male craftsman, speaks for itself. The Tiffany craftsman used geometric shapes such as triangles, squares, rectangles, and ovals to form these patterns for these lamps. Next is the Transition to Flowers group, which is subdivided into the Flowered Cone and Globe lamps. All of these lamps follow a nature, or botanical, design using flowers, dragonflies, spiders with webs, butterflies, and peacock feathers. The difference within these two smaller categories is the difference in the lamp shapes, basically a cone and a globe.
Aside from their categorization every lamp is prepared by using the Copper Foil method. First a pattern for the lamp is drawn out on a heavy piece of cardboard. Next a number and glass color is written on the pattern piece. After the pattern is drawn and labeled, the glass is laid over it and traced. Once the pattern is traced onto the glass, the pieces can be cut and ground to their correct shape. Next the pieces need to be cleaned so the copper foil can be applied to the edges. The copper foil solution allows the pieces to adhere together. After the lamp has been placed accordingly and it is fully bonded, the edges need to be soldered together for a firm hold. Finally after the lamp has been soldered it is cleaned to bring out its beauty.
Hanging Tiffany Lamps Make an Ideal Ceiling Fixture
If you’re looking for the perfect ceiling lamp to spice up your decor, look no further than Tiffany hanging lamps. Tiffany hanging lamps are a style of lighting that features a shade made of stained glass. The bits of colored glass that make up the shade are soldered together using copper foil.
Two of the more common styles of Tiffany hanging lamps are the geometric and Transition to Flowers. The geometric Tiffany lamps incorporate ovals, rectangles, squares and triangles. Transition to Flowers lamp shades feature images from nature such as butterflies, flowers, and dragonflies. The shades are either cone or globe shaped.
Because they come in many designs and styles, you should have no problem finding Tiffany glass lamps that provides you with adequate light, an aesthetic presence and a style that fits.
Compared to a wall lamp or table lamp, Tiffany hanging lamps command attention, especially when placed in the center of the room. These lamps come in a wide variety of sizes, designs, colors, patterns and materials, depending on the manufacturer and source.
A Tiffany chandelier will provide good lighting and doubles as a room attraction. It imparts an old world aura with a sophisticated look and intricate design perfect for entrance halls, dining areas and staircases.
Tiffany hanging lamps in a swag style are another popular type characterized by a cord, spring or chain that “swags” between two or more points. The style is very versatile and matches most rooms in houses and offices.
Another type of Tiffany hanging lamps is the pendant light fixture, which is also very versatile. It provides form, function and beauty to any given area. The pendant is adjustable depending on the task you’re focusing on so models are most often found in functional areas like kitchens and study rooms.
By choosing Tiffany hanging lamps, you’re certain to add elegance and style to any room. Amazon has an excellent selection of these lamps, at remarkably discounted prices.
Two of the more common styles of Tiffany hanging lamps are the geometric and Transition to Flowers. The geometric Tiffany lamps incorporate ovals, rectangles, squares and triangles. Transition to Flowers lamp shades feature images from nature such as butterflies, flowers, and dragonflies. The shades are either cone or globe shaped.
Because they come in many designs and styles, you should have no problem finding Tiffany glass lamps that provides you with adequate light, an aesthetic presence and a style that fits.
Compared to a wall lamp or table lamp, Tiffany hanging lamps command attention, especially when placed in the center of the room. These lamps come in a wide variety of sizes, designs, colors, patterns and materials, depending on the manufacturer and source.
A Tiffany chandelier will provide good lighting and doubles as a room attraction. It imparts an old world aura with a sophisticated look and intricate design perfect for entrance halls, dining areas and staircases.
Tiffany hanging lamps in a swag style are another popular type characterized by a cord, spring or chain that “swags” between two or more points. The style is very versatile and matches most rooms in houses and offices.
Another type of Tiffany hanging lamps is the pendant light fixture, which is also very versatile. It provides form, function and beauty to any given area. The pendant is adjustable depending on the task you’re focusing on so models are most often found in functional areas like kitchens and study rooms.
By choosing Tiffany hanging lamps, you’re certain to add elegance and style to any room. Amazon has an excellent selection of these lamps, at remarkably discounted prices.
Where to Shop for a Tiffany Buffet Lamp
Many people prefer the look of buffet lamps for lighting certain areas of their home. These lamps are sleek and stylish, coming in a wide variety of different colors and designs. Among the most elegant styles of these fixtures is the Tiffany buffet lamp.
There are many places available to find a great Tiffany buffet lamp for your home and knowing where these places may be can make your search for the perfect lamp much shorter.
Most people start their search online, if only to find out what’s available as easily as possible. This is really your best choice for shopping because the selection and price are usually vastly superior to what you’ll find in a store. My personal favorite for online retailers is Amazon, because they source their products from a variety of different retailers. This means you get a better selection of Tiffany glass lamps, and you can shop with confidence that your personal information won’t end up being compromised.
Most types of furniture stores will have a limited selection of Tiffany buffet lamp styles available in their stores, often scattered throughout the stores as part of the furniture displays created to look like complete rooms. Although it is the larger furniture that many people focus on when they view items at a furniture store, these stores are also a great place to go shopping for lamps because you can actually see what the lamps would look like when placed along with other furniture items.
The quality of the buffet lamp displayed will often be a reflection of the quality of the furniture displayed with them, so a high end Tiffany buffet lamp will be placed with high end furniture and lower priced lamps will be situated near lower priced furniture.
Choosing to shop for a Tiffany buffet lamp in a furniture store will provide you with two different options for purchasing. The first option is to order the lamp that you have decided on from the catalogs provided by the furniture company, but this option only works if the lamps have not been on display for a long period of time and discontinued by the company that made them.
The other option is to purchase the lamp off the sales room floor, but this option can be risky because you do not know how long the lamp has been on display and there is no warranty if your precious Tiffany buffet lamp breaks after you have taken it home.
Many different types of retail stores and mass merchandisers will have a variety of Tiffany buffet lamps available for purchase. Some of these retail stores focus exclusively on lighting supplies while others incorporate a lighting section in their stores so people can choose their lamps along with other decor items.
At these stores you will find that Tiffany buffet lamps are generally less expensive than the lamps that are found in the furniture stores. Depending on the store that you go to, the selection of lamps to choose from will be more extensive as well.
There are many places available to find a great Tiffany buffet lamp for your home and knowing where these places may be can make your search for the perfect lamp much shorter.
Most people start their search online, if only to find out what’s available as easily as possible. This is really your best choice for shopping because the selection and price are usually vastly superior to what you’ll find in a store. My personal favorite for online retailers is Amazon, because they source their products from a variety of different retailers. This means you get a better selection of Tiffany glass lamps, and you can shop with confidence that your personal information won’t end up being compromised.
Most types of furniture stores will have a limited selection of Tiffany buffet lamp styles available in their stores, often scattered throughout the stores as part of the furniture displays created to look like complete rooms. Although it is the larger furniture that many people focus on when they view items at a furniture store, these stores are also a great place to go shopping for lamps because you can actually see what the lamps would look like when placed along with other furniture items.
The quality of the buffet lamp displayed will often be a reflection of the quality of the furniture displayed with them, so a high end Tiffany buffet lamp will be placed with high end furniture and lower priced lamps will be situated near lower priced furniture.
Choosing to shop for a Tiffany buffet lamp in a furniture store will provide you with two different options for purchasing. The first option is to order the lamp that you have decided on from the catalogs provided by the furniture company, but this option only works if the lamps have not been on display for a long period of time and discontinued by the company that made them.
The other option is to purchase the lamp off the sales room floor, but this option can be risky because you do not know how long the lamp has been on display and there is no warranty if your precious Tiffany buffet lamp breaks after you have taken it home.
Many different types of retail stores and mass merchandisers will have a variety of Tiffany buffet lamps available for purchase. Some of these retail stores focus exclusively on lighting supplies while others incorporate a lighting section in their stores so people can choose their lamps along with other decor items.
At these stores you will find that Tiffany buffet lamps are generally less expensive than the lamps that are found in the furniture stores. Depending on the store that you go to, the selection of lamps to choose from will be more extensive as well.
Buying Tiffany Lamps for the Bedroom
Out of all the rooms in the home, there is really no more important than the bedroom. You want to make it a space of comfort, relaxation, and romance. You want it to reflect your personal style and decorate it so you really love it. There’s no better way to achieve all this than with elegant and luxurious Tiffany lamps.
It’s important to realize that there’s much more to the process of buying Tiffany lamps than you might think. It may seem easy enough, but when you take all the important issues into consideration you will understand why it’s so necessary for you to take your time and really put some thought into it.
One of the first things that you should think about is the decor of your room. You want to choose Tiffany lamps that are going to go well with the existing decor or, if you are planning to redecorate, then of course you are going to want to choose a fixture that will go with your new look.
Lamps may only be considered accessories but they make a major impact in any room. The last thing you want is to choose Tiffany lamps that are going to throw the entire look of the room off and end up making the space look random and mismatched.
Another major issue to consider here is size. When you are shopping for Tiffany glass lamps, make sure that you take this element into careful consideration. If you need general lighting, you want to make sure that the size of the lamp will provide adequate lighting for the entire room. On the other hand, if you are looking for a lamp for reading, you can go with a smaller model. The best size for bedside lamps is about 15-20″ (40-50cm) high.
Unless you have tons of money available to spend, of course you are going to need to think about price when you are buying Tiffany lamps. The prices of lamps will vary quite significantly, so be sure that you check out the price tags when you are looking for lamps and choose ones that are within your price range.
You can always find a professional to help you out here, a lighting expert who will be able to help you figure out just what you need, what you can afford, and where you can go to find the perfect lamp.
It’s important to realize that there’s much more to the process of buying Tiffany lamps than you might think. It may seem easy enough, but when you take all the important issues into consideration you will understand why it’s so necessary for you to take your time and really put some thought into it.
One of the first things that you should think about is the decor of your room. You want to choose Tiffany lamps that are going to go well with the existing decor or, if you are planning to redecorate, then of course you are going to want to choose a fixture that will go with your new look.
Lamps may only be considered accessories but they make a major impact in any room. The last thing you want is to choose Tiffany lamps that are going to throw the entire look of the room off and end up making the space look random and mismatched.
Another major issue to consider here is size. When you are shopping for Tiffany glass lamps, make sure that you take this element into careful consideration. If you need general lighting, you want to make sure that the size of the lamp will provide adequate lighting for the entire room. On the other hand, if you are looking for a lamp for reading, you can go with a smaller model. The best size for bedside lamps is about 15-20″ (40-50cm) high.
Unless you have tons of money available to spend, of course you are going to need to think about price when you are buying Tiffany lamps. The prices of lamps will vary quite significantly, so be sure that you check out the price tags when you are looking for lamps and choose ones that are within your price range.
You can always find a professional to help you out here, a lighting expert who will be able to help you figure out just what you need, what you can afford, and where you can go to find the perfect lamp.
A Distinction of Class With Tiffany Style Lamps
Tiffany-style lamps used to be just the domain of the upper class and they were, in fact, symbols of wealth. Now, however, they can also be found in the homes of the middle class as wonderful decoration pieces.
Original Tiffany lamps
Louis Comfort Tiffany, founder of Tiffany & Co., made the first Tiffany lamp in 1899. Tiffany had developed a technique of creating stained glass. He created his lamps with stained glass that were formed then into mosaics. Tiffany’s first customers were rich families who desire great decoration pieces for their homes. Production was at its peak from 1895 to 1920.
Today, however, you can find many of them Tiffany-style lamps, which are essentially knock offs of the same, very expensive, genuine Tiffany lamps.
Tiffany-Style Lamps
Tiffany-style lamps are by no means cheap. They are, in fact, expensive. But the real Tiffany glass lamps, however, are VERY EXPENSIVE. Some of the original Tiffany lamps that were made as early as the 1890s are sold for as much as $8 million - and yet, it excludes the cost of having your Tiffany lamp authenticated by an antique dealer.
If you are trained in the different design movements, you can easily spot an original Tiffany from a Tiffany-style lamp by the modern-day design. If you have an untrained eye, however, you better protect your investment by having your lamp authenticated.
All Over The House And The Office
Tiffany-style lamps can be place anywhere in your home. The smaller lamps can be used to decorate your desk while the larger floor lamps can be used to light up a room in your room. Still, some lamps may emphasize a formal dining room.
The impact of Tiffany-style lamps in the world is enormous, hence, many companies are producing these types of lamps. As if it wasn’t enough, they are even considered by some quarters as one of America’s greatest contributions to the world.
Tiffany-style lamps do not deviate so much from the original Tiffany lamps. They are still small-to-medium in size and they come in a variety of colors, color schemes and styles to match your tastes and complement the rest of your house or office. There is practically no limit to the creativity that has gone to the design of Tiffany-style lamps. They may make-up the mood of a room with their designs.
Choosing A Tiffany-Style Lamp
For their sheer beauty, it won’t be easy to choose a Tiffany-style lamp. That there are so many Tiffany-style lamps in different designs doesn’t really help. But choose the lamp that best attributes your whole room.
Tiffany-style lamps work best with excellent designed rooms because these create a relaxed and romantic ambience. The light that comes from them is soft and sensual too. When buying a lamp, be prepared to shell out your money. A tiffany-style mini-lamp can cost $66.95. Lamps in other shapes and sizes can cost several hundred dollars although there are some bargains that you can find out on the Internet.
In any case, a thing of beauty is always worth the price that you pay for.
Original Tiffany lamps
Louis Comfort Tiffany, founder of Tiffany & Co., made the first Tiffany lamp in 1899. Tiffany had developed a technique of creating stained glass. He created his lamps with stained glass that were formed then into mosaics. Tiffany’s first customers were rich families who desire great decoration pieces for their homes. Production was at its peak from 1895 to 1920.
Today, however, you can find many of them Tiffany-style lamps, which are essentially knock offs of the same, very expensive, genuine Tiffany lamps.
Tiffany-Style Lamps
Tiffany-style lamps are by no means cheap. They are, in fact, expensive. But the real Tiffany glass lamps, however, are VERY EXPENSIVE. Some of the original Tiffany lamps that were made as early as the 1890s are sold for as much as $8 million - and yet, it excludes the cost of having your Tiffany lamp authenticated by an antique dealer.
If you are trained in the different design movements, you can easily spot an original Tiffany from a Tiffany-style lamp by the modern-day design. If you have an untrained eye, however, you better protect your investment by having your lamp authenticated.
All Over The House And The Office
Tiffany-style lamps can be place anywhere in your home. The smaller lamps can be used to decorate your desk while the larger floor lamps can be used to light up a room in your room. Still, some lamps may emphasize a formal dining room.
The impact of Tiffany-style lamps in the world is enormous, hence, many companies are producing these types of lamps. As if it wasn’t enough, they are even considered by some quarters as one of America’s greatest contributions to the world.
Tiffany-style lamps do not deviate so much from the original Tiffany lamps. They are still small-to-medium in size and they come in a variety of colors, color schemes and styles to match your tastes and complement the rest of your house or office. There is practically no limit to the creativity that has gone to the design of Tiffany-style lamps. They may make-up the mood of a room with their designs.
Choosing A Tiffany-Style Lamp
For their sheer beauty, it won’t be easy to choose a Tiffany-style lamp. That there are so many Tiffany-style lamps in different designs doesn’t really help. But choose the lamp that best attributes your whole room.
Tiffany-style lamps work best with excellent designed rooms because these create a relaxed and romantic ambience. The light that comes from them is soft and sensual too. When buying a lamp, be prepared to shell out your money. A tiffany-style mini-lamp can cost $66.95. Lamps in other shapes and sizes can cost several hundred dollars although there are some bargains that you can find out on the Internet.
In any case, a thing of beauty is always worth the price that you pay for.
Choose a Tiffany Lamp Reproduction for an Elegant Look
Lamps can do a lot to make your home look attractive. If you like a very elegant look, you can make your home look even more beautiful by choosing a Tiffany lamp reproduction. There are plenty of uniquely designed Tiffany lamp reproductions sold in the market today. All you need to do is choose a style that mirrors your personality and will fit into the overall design of your home.
The original Tiffany lamps were produced in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. These lamps are now considered valuable antiques and because they are so expensive, Tiffany lamp reproductions were created. Since these lamps are being manufactured today, there are many styles that are more modern in their design that the originals.
Shopping for a Tiffany lamp reproduction can be a very enjoyable task indeed. If you happen to live with someone, it would be a good idea to bring that person along when you go shopping. He or she can help you choose the right lamp to suit your home. Bringing your partner along when you go shopping will also ensure that there will be no arguments later on regarding the design of the lamp. You don’t really want to end up returning that lovely Tiffany lamp reproduction just because your housemates hate it so much.
Since it’s easy to get carried away when shopping for a Tiffany lamp reproduction, because there are so many beautiful designs and styles, it’s best to set your budget before you hit the stores. Take a look at your paycheck for the month and your bank account before you decide how much money you can afford to spend. Setting a budget is very important to control your spending. Don’t just charge everything on your credit card if you don’t want to end up with a lot of bills at the end of the month. Always remember that credit card companies charge huge interest so make sure that you only spend what you can afford to pay later on.
Aside from setting your budget, you also need to know the size, height, color and style of the Tiffany lamp reproduction that will best suit your home. You need to be specific when it comes to these things. You don’t really want to ruin the overall look of your home by buying some mismatched fixture.
To make sure that you get the right kind of Tiffany glass lamps for your home, study the overall layout of your home and then measure the space that you have available for your lamps. Buy only those lamps that fit into the amount of space that you have allocated for them.
The original Tiffany lamps were produced in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. These lamps are now considered valuable antiques and because they are so expensive, Tiffany lamp reproductions were created. Since these lamps are being manufactured today, there are many styles that are more modern in their design that the originals.
Shopping for a Tiffany lamp reproduction can be a very enjoyable task indeed. If you happen to live with someone, it would be a good idea to bring that person along when you go shopping. He or she can help you choose the right lamp to suit your home. Bringing your partner along when you go shopping will also ensure that there will be no arguments later on regarding the design of the lamp. You don’t really want to end up returning that lovely Tiffany lamp reproduction just because your housemates hate it so much.
Since it’s easy to get carried away when shopping for a Tiffany lamp reproduction, because there are so many beautiful designs and styles, it’s best to set your budget before you hit the stores. Take a look at your paycheck for the month and your bank account before you decide how much money you can afford to spend. Setting a budget is very important to control your spending. Don’t just charge everything on your credit card if you don’t want to end up with a lot of bills at the end of the month. Always remember that credit card companies charge huge interest so make sure that you only spend what you can afford to pay later on.
Aside from setting your budget, you also need to know the size, height, color and style of the Tiffany lamp reproduction that will best suit your home. You need to be specific when it comes to these things. You don’t really want to ruin the overall look of your home by buying some mismatched fixture.
To make sure that you get the right kind of Tiffany glass lamps for your home, study the overall layout of your home and then measure the space that you have available for your lamps. Buy only those lamps that fit into the amount of space that you have allocated for them.
Beautiful Designs in Tiffany Lamps
Among the loveliest types of lamps available today are the Tiffany lamps. These lamps have a long and noble history as one of the most expensive and stylish lighting fixtures in the world, used by nobility in numerous nations for lighting their palaces, mansions, and castles. Today, Tiffany lamps can be purchased by anyone in any income bracket because many manufacturers have created these lamps in ways that are more affordable for the consumer.
What Do Tiffany Lamps Look Like?
Tiffany lamps are typically recognized by their unique type of lamp shade. The lamp shade is created from stained glass or a material that looks like stained glass and is typically the only lamp style that uses this type of decor. The colors of the stained glass are used to create interesting patterns within the lamp shade, making Tiffany glass lamps a decor item just as much as a lighting item for the home or office.
The designs that are incorporated can be a repeating pattern, a random pattern, or a picture that resembles actual objects. Flower designs are often used because they appeal to a wide range of people who are looking for decorative lamps for their home or personal space in their office. Other common designs include leaves, birds, insects, and diamonds.
What Styles Of Tiffany Lamps Are Available?
Tiffany lamps come in several different styles in order to appeal to a wide variety of consumers. The most common styles chosen are the smaller lamps, which include the desk lamp, the table lamp, and the buffet lamp. Tiffany lamps are also available as floor lamps and wall sconces for those who prefer these styles. These lamps can be purchased with turn switches, flip switches, or even as touch lamps.
The original Tiffany lamps came in numerous shapes and designs. Shades were either cone shaped or globe shaped, and the design styles were known as geometric, floral, irregular lower border, and irregular upper and lower.
Tiffany lamps are a great decor item because it is easy for a person to find a lamp that matches the color and the style of the area of the home the lamp will be placed in. These lamps come in a wide variety of colors and often include numerous colors within a single lamp shade, making a single lamp design suitable for a number of different decors. Tiffany lamps can be purchased at a number of different retailers or from online stores that carry lamps.
What Do Tiffany Lamps Look Like?
Tiffany lamps are typically recognized by their unique type of lamp shade. The lamp shade is created from stained glass or a material that looks like stained glass and is typically the only lamp style that uses this type of decor. The colors of the stained glass are used to create interesting patterns within the lamp shade, making Tiffany glass lamps a decor item just as much as a lighting item for the home or office.
The designs that are incorporated can be a repeating pattern, a random pattern, or a picture that resembles actual objects. Flower designs are often used because they appeal to a wide range of people who are looking for decorative lamps for their home or personal space in their office. Other common designs include leaves, birds, insects, and diamonds.
What Styles Of Tiffany Lamps Are Available?
Tiffany lamps come in several different styles in order to appeal to a wide variety of consumers. The most common styles chosen are the smaller lamps, which include the desk lamp, the table lamp, and the buffet lamp. Tiffany lamps are also available as floor lamps and wall sconces for those who prefer these styles. These lamps can be purchased with turn switches, flip switches, or even as touch lamps.
The original Tiffany lamps came in numerous shapes and designs. Shades were either cone shaped or globe shaped, and the design styles were known as geometric, floral, irregular lower border, and irregular upper and lower.
Tiffany lamps are a great decor item because it is easy for a person to find a lamp that matches the color and the style of the area of the home the lamp will be placed in. These lamps come in a wide variety of colors and often include numerous colors within a single lamp shade, making a single lamp design suitable for a number of different decors. Tiffany lamps can be purchased at a number of different retailers or from online stores that carry lamps.
Dale Tiffany Lamp - Classic Elegance
If you want to have a lamp that embodies true elegance and sophistication, consider getting a Dale Tiffany Lamp. The Dale Tiffany collection offers only the finest of Art Glass lighting and accents. It is a world leader in designing and manufacturing traditionally elegant and classically styled Tiffany glass lamps of the highest quality standards.
Ever since its beginnings in the year 1979, Dale Tiffany started producing Tiffany-styled shades and lamps, thus the creation of the now famous Dale Tiffany Lamp. Dale Tiffany is known for high quality reproductions of timeless designs from America’s classic designers, and also for modern innovations.
What makes Dale Tiffany lamps unique?
Dale Tiffany makes use of different methods in order to offer only the best of designs. It utilizes the highest quality genuine hand-rolled art glass, and offers a wide array of products that employs the process of copper foil technique. This glass assembly method technique was originally used by Louis Comfort Tiffany for over 100 years ago. Because of this handcrafted process, no two Dale Tiffany pieces are alike. Each is unique in its own way, making it a treasured keepsake.
What are other techniques used by Dale Tiffany?
Aside from this, Dale Tiffany also presents various items in their product line, including products that make use of stained glass, reverse-painted glass, Favrile hand blown glass, and many other techniques. The techniques that Dale Tiffany uses are adapted from the techniques and designs of America’s classic designers, including L.C. Tiffany, Pairpoint, Philip J. Handel, and Frank Lloyd Wright in order to capture undying masterpieces.
How do I know if the products are of the highest quality standard?
Whether in manufacturing high quality replicas or affordable merchandise, Dale Tiffany makes sure that the customers get only the best. That is why they follow strict quality control measures to ascertain that the workmanship for ever product is above par. Every glass shade is scrutinized and inspected to make sure that there is consistency and brilliance in color, pattern, and structural integrity. The products are then assembled, tested and packed in accordance to industry’s guidelines and standards.
What other lighting products does Dale Tiffany offer?
Dale Tiffany is considered the solution in lighting needs. It produces other lighting fixtures other than lamps to suit your needs. It offers ceiling/pendant lights, floor lamps, accent lamps, chandeliers, table/desk lamps, and sconces/wall lighting, all of which are of superior quality, just as the norm of every Dale Tiffany collection. Whatever you need, as long as it involves lighting, Dale Tiffany has the right product that combines aesthetics and function just for you!
So, if you want to check out their latest collections and view their product line for yourself, just visit their website. And should you decide that you want to purchase one, there’s also a list of dealers available so you can find the local dealer nearest to your location.
If you want to see some of their product portfolio for yourself, you can visit their website and check out their latest collections. You can also find a local dealer nearest to you should you decide to buy one for yourself. A Dale Tiffany lamp is the lamp for you if you really want to enjoy the refinement and sophistication that it brings. Whether you’re into the high quality replicas of classic masterpieces or affordable and budget-friendly pieces, Dale Tiffany has just the right product for you!
Author: by Ann Triune
Ever since its beginnings in the year 1979, Dale Tiffany started producing Tiffany-styled shades and lamps, thus the creation of the now famous Dale Tiffany Lamp. Dale Tiffany is known for high quality reproductions of timeless designs from America’s classic designers, and also for modern innovations.
What makes Dale Tiffany lamps unique?
Dale Tiffany makes use of different methods in order to offer only the best of designs. It utilizes the highest quality genuine hand-rolled art glass, and offers a wide array of products that employs the process of copper foil technique. This glass assembly method technique was originally used by Louis Comfort Tiffany for over 100 years ago. Because of this handcrafted process, no two Dale Tiffany pieces are alike. Each is unique in its own way, making it a treasured keepsake.
What are other techniques used by Dale Tiffany?
Aside from this, Dale Tiffany also presents various items in their product line, including products that make use of stained glass, reverse-painted glass, Favrile hand blown glass, and many other techniques. The techniques that Dale Tiffany uses are adapted from the techniques and designs of America’s classic designers, including L.C. Tiffany, Pairpoint, Philip J. Handel, and Frank Lloyd Wright in order to capture undying masterpieces.
How do I know if the products are of the highest quality standard?
Whether in manufacturing high quality replicas or affordable merchandise, Dale Tiffany makes sure that the customers get only the best. That is why they follow strict quality control measures to ascertain that the workmanship for ever product is above par. Every glass shade is scrutinized and inspected to make sure that there is consistency and brilliance in color, pattern, and structural integrity. The products are then assembled, tested and packed in accordance to industry’s guidelines and standards.
What other lighting products does Dale Tiffany offer?
Dale Tiffany is considered the solution in lighting needs. It produces other lighting fixtures other than lamps to suit your needs. It offers ceiling/pendant lights, floor lamps, accent lamps, chandeliers, table/desk lamps, and sconces/wall lighting, all of which are of superior quality, just as the norm of every Dale Tiffany collection. Whatever you need, as long as it involves lighting, Dale Tiffany has the right product that combines aesthetics and function just for you!
So, if you want to check out their latest collections and view their product line for yourself, just visit their website. And should you decide that you want to purchase one, there’s also a list of dealers available so you can find the local dealer nearest to your location.
If you want to see some of their product portfolio for yourself, you can visit their website and check out their latest collections. You can also find a local dealer nearest to you should you decide to buy one for yourself. A Dale Tiffany lamp is the lamp for you if you really want to enjoy the refinement and sophistication that it brings. Whether you’re into the high quality replicas of classic masterpieces or affordable and budget-friendly pieces, Dale Tiffany has just the right product for you!
Author: by Ann Triune
Is a Tiffany Pendant Lamp Right for You?
While a lot of people know that there are various styles of hanging lamps out there, not many people are aware of the Tiffany pendant lamp. If you’re looking for something unique to add luxury and elegance to your décor, consider purchasing a Tiffany lamp when you’re looking for new lighting fixtures.
A Tiffany pendant lamp can be found in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures and this is wonderful because the more options you have, the better chances you have of finding the perfect match for your room.
There are a few typical patterns associated with a Tiffany pendant lamp. The geometric style uses simple designs made from shapes such as triangles, squares, ovals, and rectangles. The floral designs feature the geometric background overlaid with floral, leaf, or vine patterns. Within the floral designs, there are two different styles - the geometric background with a scattered floral or leaf pattern, and the geometric design with a border of vines and flowers.
With the craze of online shopping it is no wonder that more and more people are turning to the internet to find their items. I personally like to shop for my Tiffany products at Amazon, because they have an amazingly large selection, usually at discounted prices, and you can be more confident regarding the security of your personal information.
Generally, you should only purchase your Tiffany pendant lamp through the mail if you really know the company and trust that they package everything perfectly. Also, make sure that they can offer you a refund if your lamps arrive in pieces.
If you don’t want to face the hassles that can come along with buying online, then purchasing them directly from a regular store is your best bet.
In either case, you will need to be prepared to pay a little bit more for a Tiffany pendant lamp then you would for a regular lamp. If you’re on a tight budget, you might want to consider shopping around at flea markets, yard sales, and thrift stores. There is always a good chance that you could find used Tiffany glass lamps in great condition in places like these.
These lamps are the perfect addition to any room in order to bring a bit of class to your decor.
A Tiffany pendant lamp can be found in a variety of colors, shapes, and textures and this is wonderful because the more options you have, the better chances you have of finding the perfect match for your room.
There are a few typical patterns associated with a Tiffany pendant lamp. The geometric style uses simple designs made from shapes such as triangles, squares, ovals, and rectangles. The floral designs feature the geometric background overlaid with floral, leaf, or vine patterns. Within the floral designs, there are two different styles - the geometric background with a scattered floral or leaf pattern, and the geometric design with a border of vines and flowers.
With the craze of online shopping it is no wonder that more and more people are turning to the internet to find their items. I personally like to shop for my Tiffany products at Amazon, because they have an amazingly large selection, usually at discounted prices, and you can be more confident regarding the security of your personal information.
Generally, you should only purchase your Tiffany pendant lamp through the mail if you really know the company and trust that they package everything perfectly. Also, make sure that they can offer you a refund if your lamps arrive in pieces.
If you don’t want to face the hassles that can come along with buying online, then purchasing them directly from a regular store is your best bet.
In either case, you will need to be prepared to pay a little bit more for a Tiffany pendant lamp then you would for a regular lamp. If you’re on a tight budget, you might want to consider shopping around at flea markets, yard sales, and thrift stores. There is always a good chance that you could find used Tiffany glass lamps in great condition in places like these.
These lamps are the perfect addition to any room in order to bring a bit of class to your decor.
Finding the Perfect Tiffany Wall Lamp
Whether you just want to replace that old wall lamp that you’ve had in the front entrance for several years or you’re trying to completely change the look of a particular room, getting a new wall lamp can do a lot for any space in your home. You may be considering the traditional type of fixture, but you should take a look at a Tiffany wall lamp before you make your final decision. It can really help pull together the look of any room in your home.
While it may seem that a Tiffany wall lamp couldn’t do much for a room’s decor, it really is the other way around. It is the little things in the room that can help tie together an entire theme. With the right ideas, dedication, and accessories, such as a fantastic lamp, you can have the room that you have always envisioned. All you have to do is find the right piece to go with the theme of your room.
Where to Buy a Tiffany Wall Lamp
When it comes to finding a great Tiffany wall lamp, you may want to go somewhere new instead of the same old department stores that you shop in all the time. This is so that you can find a good selection of lamps that is different from what you are used to seeing. There are a wide variety of choices to pick from if you look in the right places. If you don’t find what you are looking for in the stores, there are other places that you could look.
The internet is full of stores that sell Tiffany glass lamps and the shipping prices generally are not all that expensive. If you find what you are looking for, it is certainly worth paying a little bit of extra money in order to achieve the desired look for your room. In some cases, you might find that buying online can save you a lot of money. This is also an excellent way to find out what styles are available and to do some price checking.
If shopping online is not your thing or you are looking to save money on a lamp shade then try buying used. You can sometimes find a gently used Tiffany wall lamp at a yard sale or thrift store and you will probably end up with something that is different from what everyone else has.
While it may seem that a Tiffany wall lamp couldn’t do much for a room’s decor, it really is the other way around. It is the little things in the room that can help tie together an entire theme. With the right ideas, dedication, and accessories, such as a fantastic lamp, you can have the room that you have always envisioned. All you have to do is find the right piece to go with the theme of your room.
Where to Buy a Tiffany Wall Lamp
When it comes to finding a great Tiffany wall lamp, you may want to go somewhere new instead of the same old department stores that you shop in all the time. This is so that you can find a good selection of lamps that is different from what you are used to seeing. There are a wide variety of choices to pick from if you look in the right places. If you don’t find what you are looking for in the stores, there are other places that you could look.
The internet is full of stores that sell Tiffany glass lamps and the shipping prices generally are not all that expensive. If you find what you are looking for, it is certainly worth paying a little bit of extra money in order to achieve the desired look for your room. In some cases, you might find that buying online can save you a lot of money. This is also an excellent way to find out what styles are available and to do some price checking.
If shopping online is not your thing or you are looking to save money on a lamp shade then try buying used. You can sometimes find a gently used Tiffany wall lamp at a yard sale or thrift store and you will probably end up with something that is different from what everyone else has.
Why Choose a Mini Tiffany Lamp
When it comes to decorating a room, some people feel that there’s little use for a mini Tiffany lamp when you can have the bigger thing for almost the same price. But the fact is, there are many reasons one would decide to go with this smaller version of a timeless classic.
The mini Tiffany lamp is a perfect way to add just a little bit of light into those areas that don’t require much light at all. Whether it’s for mood effect or just for decoration, there are many uses for such a lamp in the homes of just about everyone.
If you don’t feel that there is a room in your house that could use a mini Tiffany lamp, you may want to reconsider. A lot of people will place a small lamp in their bathrooms for that nice soft glowing effect at night when the main bathroom light is turned off. It’s also a perfect addition to hallways that you want dimly lit at night. As you can see, there are many uses for a mini Tiffany lamp; all you have to do is use your imagination.
Finding the Right One for Your Needs
Now that you realize that a mini Tiffany lamp can have a place within your home, it’s time to start shopping. First thing is to determine the amount of money that you want to spend because even though they are small in size, the prices can be high if you don’t watch out. A mini Tiffany lamps can be found for ten dollars all the way up to one hundred dollars or more. The price will depend on what it’s made out of, the store you are purchasing from, and the brand name on the product. A good way to find out the price range for this product is to check online.
In order to distinguish good lamps from bad, you need to know a bit about how Tiffany glass lamps are produced. The best lamps are hand made. The shades are produced from individual pieces of stained glass, which have been individually wrapped in copper foil, then soldered together.
If you’re on a really tight budget or are looking for something a little more retro, you may find that antique or thrift stores are the way to go. If you’re lucky, you’ll find something that you won’t see in the homes of everyone else on your street. Just make sure that the used mini Tiffany lamp you are looking at is in decent shape so that you’re not wasting money.
The mini Tiffany lamp is a perfect way to add just a little bit of light into those areas that don’t require much light at all. Whether it’s for mood effect or just for decoration, there are many uses for such a lamp in the homes of just about everyone.
If you don’t feel that there is a room in your house that could use a mini Tiffany lamp, you may want to reconsider. A lot of people will place a small lamp in their bathrooms for that nice soft glowing effect at night when the main bathroom light is turned off. It’s also a perfect addition to hallways that you want dimly lit at night. As you can see, there are many uses for a mini Tiffany lamp; all you have to do is use your imagination.
Finding the Right One for Your Needs
Now that you realize that a mini Tiffany lamp can have a place within your home, it’s time to start shopping. First thing is to determine the amount of money that you want to spend because even though they are small in size, the prices can be high if you don’t watch out. A mini Tiffany lamps can be found for ten dollars all the way up to one hundred dollars or more. The price will depend on what it’s made out of, the store you are purchasing from, and the brand name on the product. A good way to find out the price range for this product is to check online.
In order to distinguish good lamps from bad, you need to know a bit about how Tiffany glass lamps are produced. The best lamps are hand made. The shades are produced from individual pieces of stained glass, which have been individually wrapped in copper foil, then soldered together.
If you’re on a really tight budget or are looking for something a little more retro, you may find that antique or thrift stores are the way to go. If you’re lucky, you’ll find something that you won’t see in the homes of everyone else on your street. Just make sure that the used mini Tiffany lamp you are looking at is in decent shape so that you’re not wasting money.
Matching a Stained Glass Floor Lamp to Your Decor
Many people like the look of stained glass or Tiffany lamps but are unsure of how to incorporate the style into their home decor without having to change some of the other items in the room. In the past, a stained glass floor lamp was considered to be very formal and expensive so people only used them in formal settings in the home, such as sitting rooms and parlors. Today, there are many casual styles of stained glass floor lamps available, making it easier to find some that can be incorporated into your current home decor.
When attempting to buy a stained glass floor lamp to match your existing decor, it’s very important to pay attention to the colors that are present in the lamp to make sure that these colors will be acceptable in the room the lamp will be placed in. Some types of lamps, such as a stiffel lamp, use only a few colors to create a lovely design, but other manufacturers create lamps that use many different colors in their designs, often to create a picture of some item from nature.
Many people who use basic colors or earth tones for the decor of their home often prefer a stained glass floor lamp that use very few colors because it’s very easy to incorporate these lamps into their existing decor. They do not have to worry about the shades or colors matching anything else in the room and will often choose a lamp style that has a single bold color on it to make the lamp a focal point for the room.
People who have a wide range of colors in the room that they are purchasing a stained glass floor lamp for will often choose fixtures that incorporate multiple colors into their design. It’s easier to use these types of lamps in areas where there are many colors because you do not have to match a particular item to a particular color in the lamp to make the lamp work with the decor you have chosen.
Stained glass floor lamps can be created in a wide range of different patterns, with each manufacturer often having vastly different designs available. If the room where you are placing the lamp has simple decor, then you may want to choose a lamp pattern that is also simple and subtle. Patterns that are complicated and use a lot of colors are better suited to rooms that have a lot of decor items and colors so these Tiffany glass lamps will seem right at home.
When attempting to buy a stained glass floor lamp to match your existing decor, it’s very important to pay attention to the colors that are present in the lamp to make sure that these colors will be acceptable in the room the lamp will be placed in. Some types of lamps, such as a stiffel lamp, use only a few colors to create a lovely design, but other manufacturers create lamps that use many different colors in their designs, often to create a picture of some item from nature.
Many people who use basic colors or earth tones for the decor of their home often prefer a stained glass floor lamp that use very few colors because it’s very easy to incorporate these lamps into their existing decor. They do not have to worry about the shades or colors matching anything else in the room and will often choose a lamp style that has a single bold color on it to make the lamp a focal point for the room.
People who have a wide range of colors in the room that they are purchasing a stained glass floor lamp for will often choose fixtures that incorporate multiple colors into their design. It’s easier to use these types of lamps in areas where there are many colors because you do not have to match a particular item to a particular color in the lamp to make the lamp work with the decor you have chosen.
Stained glass floor lamps can be created in a wide range of different patterns, with each manufacturer often having vastly different designs available. If the room where you are placing the lamp has simple decor, then you may want to choose a lamp pattern that is also simple and subtle. Patterns that are complicated and use a lot of colors are better suited to rooms that have a lot of decor items and colors so these Tiffany glass lamps will seem right at home.
Tiffany Lamps: An Introduction
Tiffany lamps are among the most attractive and beautiful styles of lighting available. They are also one of the most expensive, with prices ranging from $100 to $5,000. Most people find that these lamps serve a dual purpose of providing illumination as well as serving as a decorative piece in the room.
Describing the Tiffany Lamp
Louis Comfort Tiffany, a well-known American artist, first created Tiffany lamps. Most designs generally incorporate stained glass as a decorative feature. The creator wanted to ensure that the colors and details of the models were well-maintained though the production process so he used the copper-foil technique, resulting in unique and beautiful lamp shades with intricate bronze bases. Some of the popular designs available include the wisteria and dragonfly mosaics.
In the past, Tiffany lamps were made solely by hand, but modern times have developed faster ways to produce them. There are hundreds of designs available coming in a variety of patterns, sizes and price tags. You may initially want to buy your Tiffany lamps based on affordability, but also consider the styles since it can make or break the essence and atmosphere of your room.
The lamp shade may be the most unique feature in Mr. Tiffany’s creations. Geometric glass shades are leaded and comprised of different basic shapes made from poured glass, cut in segments, edged in copper foil then melded together. Floral design shades feature both geometric and floral patterns and usually come in two types, namely leaf or scattered floral.
Tiffany lamps may also have a cone-shaped shade featuring extensive floral patterns with straight sides and circular rims. This is the category where the dragonfly shades belong and are usually very expensive.
Tiffany lamps may also have globe-shaped shades that are quite hard to make but are more detailed than cone-shaped models. The lamp shade has a dome figure allowing more intricate designs of flowers and insects. The shades are usually anywhere from 12 to 28 inches in size.
Another style of Tiffany lamps features an irregular lower border that has greater natural form with flowing rims. These shades are usually globe-shaped with the lower border having an irregular form. The most sophisticated shade design in Tiffany lamps features irregular upper or lower regions with an openwork crown reminiscent of tree branches. This is how the wisteria is made, depicting well-cut glass with a rich variety of colors.
Describing the Tiffany Lamp
Louis Comfort Tiffany, a well-known American artist, first created Tiffany lamps. Most designs generally incorporate stained glass as a decorative feature. The creator wanted to ensure that the colors and details of the models were well-maintained though the production process so he used the copper-foil technique, resulting in unique and beautiful lamp shades with intricate bronze bases. Some of the popular designs available include the wisteria and dragonfly mosaics.
In the past, Tiffany lamps were made solely by hand, but modern times have developed faster ways to produce them. There are hundreds of designs available coming in a variety of patterns, sizes and price tags. You may initially want to buy your Tiffany lamps based on affordability, but also consider the styles since it can make or break the essence and atmosphere of your room.
The lamp shade may be the most unique feature in Mr. Tiffany’s creations. Geometric glass shades are leaded and comprised of different basic shapes made from poured glass, cut in segments, edged in copper foil then melded together. Floral design shades feature both geometric and floral patterns and usually come in two types, namely leaf or scattered floral.
Tiffany lamps may also have a cone-shaped shade featuring extensive floral patterns with straight sides and circular rims. This is the category where the dragonfly shades belong and are usually very expensive.
Tiffany lamps may also have globe-shaped shades that are quite hard to make but are more detailed than cone-shaped models. The lamp shade has a dome figure allowing more intricate designs of flowers and insects. The shades are usually anywhere from 12 to 28 inches in size.
Another style of Tiffany lamps features an irregular lower border that has greater natural form with flowing rims. These shades are usually globe-shaped with the lower border having an irregular form. The most sophisticated shade design in Tiffany lamps features irregular upper or lower regions with an openwork crown reminiscent of tree branches. This is how the wisteria is made, depicting well-cut glass with a rich variety of colors.
Tiffany Ceiling Lamps: Tips and Tricks
Tiffany ceiling lamps can come in different forms and styles. Choosing the right one will ensure that the harmony in the room is maintained and light is controlled properly. You need to learn about the different types available as well as determine the right dimensions proportionate to your lamp type. Read on to find out more about how to choose and take care of your Tiffany ceiling lamp.
The shades of Tiffany ceiling lamps are made of numerous pieces of brightly colored glass that are soldered together using the copper foil method. Lamps produced with high quality glass are elegant pieces of ornamental art that shine even in full daylight – even if they’re not lit up. However, if a low grade of glass was used, the effect will be just the opposite. The colors will be washed out, and the glass will appear flat and dull.
When choosing a Tiffany ceiling lamp, first determine how much brightness you need in the room. The glass must be colored to have the right brightness and a style that matches.
Identify the shape that will provide the right amount of luminescence to the area. Standard Tiffany ceiling lamps usually have a wider lower rim compared to the top so light spreads out evenly. If you intend to put some mood in the atmosphere, there are other shapes as well such as a wider top rim that tapers into a narrower bottom.
Plug-in Tiffany ceiling lamps are available in various shapes such as globular, square and other geometric figures.
Tiffany ceiling lamps can accumulate more dust and are more prone to the elements compared to others located on top of desks and walls. You need to maintain it well by dusting regularly at least once or twice a week. Ensure that the shade is securely attached to the frame and that there are no signs of deterioration, mold or rust.
If you are ordering a matching set of Tiffany glass lamps, ask the manufacturer if they would consider selling you an extra shade in case of damage to one item in the set. Since most models are limited and sold only over a period of time, finalize a shipping agreement with the distributor or manufacturer.
If you’re looking for the best price on Tiffany ceiling lamps, I recommend Amazon. Their lamps are sold at a considerable discount over other retailers and you can shop with confidence.
The shades of Tiffany ceiling lamps are made of numerous pieces of brightly colored glass that are soldered together using the copper foil method. Lamps produced with high quality glass are elegant pieces of ornamental art that shine even in full daylight – even if they’re not lit up. However, if a low grade of glass was used, the effect will be just the opposite. The colors will be washed out, and the glass will appear flat and dull.
When choosing a Tiffany ceiling lamp, first determine how much brightness you need in the room. The glass must be colored to have the right brightness and a style that matches.
Identify the shape that will provide the right amount of luminescence to the area. Standard Tiffany ceiling lamps usually have a wider lower rim compared to the top so light spreads out evenly. If you intend to put some mood in the atmosphere, there are other shapes as well such as a wider top rim that tapers into a narrower bottom.
Plug-in Tiffany ceiling lamps are available in various shapes such as globular, square and other geometric figures.
Tiffany ceiling lamps can accumulate more dust and are more prone to the elements compared to others located on top of desks and walls. You need to maintain it well by dusting regularly at least once or twice a week. Ensure that the shade is securely attached to the frame and that there are no signs of deterioration, mold or rust.
If you are ordering a matching set of Tiffany glass lamps, ask the manufacturer if they would consider selling you an extra shade in case of damage to one item in the set. Since most models are limited and sold only over a period of time, finalize a shipping agreement with the distributor or manufacturer.
If you’re looking for the best price on Tiffany ceiling lamps, I recommend Amazon. Their lamps are sold at a considerable discount over other retailers and you can shop with confidence.
Choosing a Tiffany Swag Lamp
A Tiffany swag lamp provides both beauty and functionality in any part of your house. The rich colors of these lamps provide a focal point to the room. There are numerous types and models of Tiffany swag lamps to match any room like the kitchen, dining area and study.
It is important that you determine the characteristics that will contribute to your area in order to save energy, time and money. Here are some tips.
Checking the Features
A Tiffany swag lamp is basically composed of the bulb, the socket, the frame where the wires go through internally, the cord which attaches to the base screwed or fixed to the ceiling, and the lamp shade. You have to assess each of these parts individually to determine durability, functionality and form. When purchasing the item, all components and parts generally come in a single package with a number of models including an instruction guide.
Observe the bulb shape and wattage to see if they will adequately illuminate your area. Check the type of socket that allows a variety of bulb types. Check the structure of the frame and how the wires and other connections are placed to determine whether or not it will be easy to repair in the future. The cord may be replaced with a chain or spring. Adjustable cords are more functional. Check the base as well if your ceiling can accommodate it properly. Screws, hooks and other smaller pieces should be provided for easy installation of a Tiffany swag lamp.
Matching the Light with the Room
A Tiffany swag lamp is very versatile since you can adjust the height, shades, bulb color and material. Manufacturers can actually provide you with a variety of lamp shade designs, patterns and materials that will suit your area well. You also get to choose the length of electrical cord needed from which it will hang over the room provided that you have very high ceilings. You can also choose different bulb colors depending on your theme and illumination preference.
You can install several Tiffany glass lamps in a single area depending on your style and taste. Smaller models with complimentary shades look good together in one corner, providing both light and beauty to the room. You can choose to install one that serves as a decorative piece and another set closer to the study area or workplace for functional reasons.
Whatever your objective or design idea may be, a Tiffany swag lamp generally fits the description.
It is important that you determine the characteristics that will contribute to your area in order to save energy, time and money. Here are some tips.
Checking the Features
A Tiffany swag lamp is basically composed of the bulb, the socket, the frame where the wires go through internally, the cord which attaches to the base screwed or fixed to the ceiling, and the lamp shade. You have to assess each of these parts individually to determine durability, functionality and form. When purchasing the item, all components and parts generally come in a single package with a number of models including an instruction guide.
Observe the bulb shape and wattage to see if they will adequately illuminate your area. Check the type of socket that allows a variety of bulb types. Check the structure of the frame and how the wires and other connections are placed to determine whether or not it will be easy to repair in the future. The cord may be replaced with a chain or spring. Adjustable cords are more functional. Check the base as well if your ceiling can accommodate it properly. Screws, hooks and other smaller pieces should be provided for easy installation of a Tiffany swag lamp.
Matching the Light with the Room
A Tiffany swag lamp is very versatile since you can adjust the height, shades, bulb color and material. Manufacturers can actually provide you with a variety of lamp shade designs, patterns and materials that will suit your area well. You also get to choose the length of electrical cord needed from which it will hang over the room provided that you have very high ceilings. You can also choose different bulb colors depending on your theme and illumination preference.
You can install several Tiffany glass lamps in a single area depending on your style and taste. Smaller models with complimentary shades look good together in one corner, providing both light and beauty to the room. You can choose to install one that serves as a decorative piece and another set closer to the study area or workplace for functional reasons.
Whatever your objective or design idea may be, a Tiffany swag lamp generally fits the description.
Using Tiffany Lamps to Make Your Room Cozy and Attractive
Lighting plays a big role when it comes to making your living room look more cozy and attractive, especially at night. If you are in the process of redecorating your living room, consider investing in good quality Tiffany lamps.
Tiffany lamps were originally created by well-known American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany. Tiffany was enraptured by the beauty of stained glass windows, so he set about making stained glass lamps to capture this beauty on a smaller scale. He found the old methods of painting clear glass to create the colored effect were inadequate for his vision. So he developed an innovative technique called the copper foil method to create his masterpieces.
Define Your Style
Before you start hunting for Tiffany glass lamps at your favorite store, you need to define your style. Take a close look at your living room and decide on its overall look. If your taste runs towards more traditional things, you may want to invest in some floor or table Tiffany lamps with classic designs. On the other hand, if your style runs more to modern contemporary designs, you might want to give Tiffany lamps a pass.
Tiffany lamps with classic designs will enhance most decors, so you can’t really go wrong in choosing one or two for your living room. Just make sure that the design, colors and materials don’t contrast with the rest of the furnishings and accessories in the room.
When used correctly, lighting can make your room look bigger that it actually is. If you want to make your living room look more spacious and less cluttered, consider investing in small wall mounted or ceiling mounted Tiffany lamps. You may also want to invest in more subdued lights to give your room a softer tone, especially at night.
Know Your Budget
In this time of economic downturn, you can’t afford to spend your money on just anything. Before you embark on the task of redecorating your living room, you need to set a budget. List all the things that you need to buy and then determine how much money you can afford to spend. Yes, those expensive Tiffany lamps will definitely look great in your living room, but if you can’t afford them, don’t buy them.
Tiffany lamps were originally created by well-known American artist Louis Comfort Tiffany. Tiffany was enraptured by the beauty of stained glass windows, so he set about making stained glass lamps to capture this beauty on a smaller scale. He found the old methods of painting clear glass to create the colored effect were inadequate for his vision. So he developed an innovative technique called the copper foil method to create his masterpieces.
Define Your Style
Before you start hunting for Tiffany glass lamps at your favorite store, you need to define your style. Take a close look at your living room and decide on its overall look. If your taste runs towards more traditional things, you may want to invest in some floor or table Tiffany lamps with classic designs. On the other hand, if your style runs more to modern contemporary designs, you might want to give Tiffany lamps a pass.
Tiffany lamps with classic designs will enhance most decors, so you can’t really go wrong in choosing one or two for your living room. Just make sure that the design, colors and materials don’t contrast with the rest of the furnishings and accessories in the room.
When used correctly, lighting can make your room look bigger that it actually is. If you want to make your living room look more spacious and less cluttered, consider investing in small wall mounted or ceiling mounted Tiffany lamps. You may also want to invest in more subdued lights to give your room a softer tone, especially at night.
Know Your Budget
In this time of economic downturn, you can’t afford to spend your money on just anything. Before you embark on the task of redecorating your living room, you need to set a budget. List all the things that you need to buy and then determine how much money you can afford to spend. Yes, those expensive Tiffany lamps will definitely look great in your living room, but if you can’t afford them, don’t buy them.
Try a Tiffany Desk Lamp for a Touch of Elegance
Over the years, many different varieties of desk lamps have been manufactured by retailers all over the world, creating numerous opportunities for a person to find a lamp that is attractive and will fit their needs. Desk lamps are designed to illuminate a targeted area with light so that the person can see to do paperwork, calculations, and other common types of work performed at a desk. But one of the most stylish types of desk lamp available to consumers is the Tiffany desk lamp.
A Tiffany desk lamp will typically have a shade made out of stained glass or a material that is made to resemble stained glass. The colors present in the lamp shade are used to create a lovely picture or pattern on the shade, creating a beautiful display that can add some class and style to the desk that it is placed on.
Tiffany desk lamps are available in the largest range of sizes compared to other styles. Two of the sizes are particularly well suited to a desk lamp – the micro mini and the banker’s lamps. The micro mini is the smallest form of Tiffany glass lamps. Micro minis are tiny lamps about five to six inches high. Banker’s lamps are about nine inches high. Either style of Tiffany desk lamp will add a touch of elegance to your desk.
Some Tiffany desk lamps are also touch lamps, which allows the owner to turn the lamp on and off with a simple touch of the finger. The place to activate and deactivate the lamp is typically on the base, where a sensor detects whether the lamp has been touched and sends a signal for the lamp to illuminate. This type of lighting is becoming very popular with a large number of people because they are very simple and easy to use.
If you’re wondering where the best place is to purchase a Tiffany desk lamp, I recommend Amazon. They have an excellent selection of these products at prices that are often much lower than other retailers. And you can shop with confidence there knowing that your personal information is protected.
A Tiffany desk lamp will typically have a shade made out of stained glass or a material that is made to resemble stained glass. The colors present in the lamp shade are used to create a lovely picture or pattern on the shade, creating a beautiful display that can add some class and style to the desk that it is placed on.
Tiffany desk lamps are available in the largest range of sizes compared to other styles. Two of the sizes are particularly well suited to a desk lamp – the micro mini and the banker’s lamps. The micro mini is the smallest form of Tiffany glass lamps. Micro minis are tiny lamps about five to six inches high. Banker’s lamps are about nine inches high. Either style of Tiffany desk lamp will add a touch of elegance to your desk.
Some Tiffany desk lamps are also touch lamps, which allows the owner to turn the lamp on and off with a simple touch of the finger. The place to activate and deactivate the lamp is typically on the base, where a sensor detects whether the lamp has been touched and sends a signal for the lamp to illuminate. This type of lighting is becoming very popular with a large number of people because they are very simple and easy to use.
If you’re wondering where the best place is to purchase a Tiffany desk lamp, I recommend Amazon. They have an excellent selection of these products at prices that are often much lower than other retailers. And you can shop with confidence there knowing that your personal information is protected.
Tiffany Style Floor Lamps: Shopping Tips
There are a number of things that you need to remember when you shop for Tiffany style floor lamps. First, you need to pay close attention to the size of the lamp. If you want to use your lamp for ambient light, the size may not really matter that much, but if you want to use your lamp for reading purposes, you should invest in Tiffany style floor lamps that cast light on the place where you intend to sit while reading.
You should also make sure that your light is bright enough for easy reading. Pay close attention to the wattage of the lamp. According to experts, 100 watt lights are best for reading. Bigger lamps are also preferable over small decorative Tiffany glass lamps. These lamps are only good for creating a nice ambiance in your room. You cannot really expect to read with them unless you want to strain your eyes.
Another thing that you need to consider when you shop for Tiffany style floor lamps is the height of the lamp. Floor lamps come in different sizes and heights so you should see to it that you get something that suits your needs perfectly. For instance, if you want to put your floor lamp next to the chair or the sofa, make sure that the bottom of the shade is at the level of your ear when you are seated so that the light will not shine on your eyes.
To get the correct height for your lamps, measure the height of your head while sitting on a chair. Bring this measurement with you when you go shopping for Tiffany style floor lamps. If you want to shop online, read the product description thoroughly and pay close attention to the measurements.
The color and the materials used in Tiffany style floor lamps lamps are just as important as the size and height. Find lamps that blend perfectly into the overall set-up of your home.
You should also make sure that your light is bright enough for easy reading. Pay close attention to the wattage of the lamp. According to experts, 100 watt lights are best for reading. Bigger lamps are also preferable over small decorative Tiffany glass lamps. These lamps are only good for creating a nice ambiance in your room. You cannot really expect to read with them unless you want to strain your eyes.
Another thing that you need to consider when you shop for Tiffany style floor lamps is the height of the lamp. Floor lamps come in different sizes and heights so you should see to it that you get something that suits your needs perfectly. For instance, if you want to put your floor lamp next to the chair or the sofa, make sure that the bottom of the shade is at the level of your ear when you are seated so that the light will not shine on your eyes.
To get the correct height for your lamps, measure the height of your head while sitting on a chair. Bring this measurement with you when you go shopping for Tiffany style floor lamps. If you want to shop online, read the product description thoroughly and pay close attention to the measurements.
The color and the materials used in Tiffany style floor lamps lamps are just as important as the size and height. Find lamps that blend perfectly into the overall set-up of your home.
The Class and Prestige of Antique Tiffany Lamps
To be rich and have a most luxurious house in the 19th century, was to have Tiffany lamps within the walls of that house. During this time, these lamps had wealth stamped all over them because of the appearance they gave. It has been said that Tiffany lamps were created for royalty with the vivid colors of stained glass.
Tiffany & Company were the creators of this style of lamps and the company is still around and going strong today as they ever have. But in today’s world, they mainly focus on beautiful pieces of jewelry instead of creating lamps. The lamps are still a favorite collector item and there are still many enthusiasts that are in search of certain antique Tiffany lamps in order to add to their collection. Charles Lewis Tiffany was the founder of the Tiffany & Company and their creator and designer. He was a very creative soul and searched around the world for a unique and different creative way to show off the beauty of light.
He developed a technique, after all of his research, which involved a process of exposing hot glass in with metallic oxides in order to create fumes that would seep into the molten glass and cause color shades and hues to form within it. In today’s world, we know this as “iridescent glass” but most people know of it as something like a stained-glass window.
These Tiffany lamps had beautiful stained glass lamp shades and all of them were made in 1895 and on through to 1920 when the production of Tiffany lamps ceased. This is what makes them such a collector’s item because between these years, only so many Tiffany lamps were made. There were no more after that! There are a lot of lamp makers today that try to replicate antique Tiffany lamps but none of them can seem to ever get the authentic look of the lamp. The look always still seems more “modern” than antique — no matter how much they try to disguise the fact. But one thing that has not changed about antique Tiffany lamps, is that they still give off the impression of wealth.
And you really need to be wealthy in order to purchase one of the genuine antique Tiffany glass lamps — sometimes even if you just want to buy a reproduction! These lamps can cost an individual anywhere from hundreds of dollars into the thousands of dollars and sometimes even a lot more if it is truly one of the original antique lighting.
Your wisest policy? Buy only from a reputable and knowledgeable dealer/seller. If you are being asked to pay a large sum, do not hesitate to get an independent, objective appraisal before finalizing your purchase.
Tiffany & Company were the creators of this style of lamps and the company is still around and going strong today as they ever have. But in today’s world, they mainly focus on beautiful pieces of jewelry instead of creating lamps. The lamps are still a favorite collector item and there are still many enthusiasts that are in search of certain antique Tiffany lamps in order to add to their collection. Charles Lewis Tiffany was the founder of the Tiffany & Company and their creator and designer. He was a very creative soul and searched around the world for a unique and different creative way to show off the beauty of light.
He developed a technique, after all of his research, which involved a process of exposing hot glass in with metallic oxides in order to create fumes that would seep into the molten glass and cause color shades and hues to form within it. In today’s world, we know this as “iridescent glass” but most people know of it as something like a stained-glass window.
These Tiffany lamps had beautiful stained glass lamp shades and all of them were made in 1895 and on through to 1920 when the production of Tiffany lamps ceased. This is what makes them such a collector’s item because between these years, only so many Tiffany lamps were made. There were no more after that! There are a lot of lamp makers today that try to replicate antique Tiffany lamps but none of them can seem to ever get the authentic look of the lamp. The look always still seems more “modern” than antique — no matter how much they try to disguise the fact. But one thing that has not changed about antique Tiffany lamps, is that they still give off the impression of wealth.
And you really need to be wealthy in order to purchase one of the genuine antique Tiffany glass lamps — sometimes even if you just want to buy a reproduction! These lamps can cost an individual anywhere from hundreds of dollars into the thousands of dollars and sometimes even a lot more if it is truly one of the original antique lighting.
Your wisest policy? Buy only from a reputable and knowledgeable dealer/seller. If you are being asked to pay a large sum, do not hesitate to get an independent, objective appraisal before finalizing your purchase.
How to Make a Tiffany Lamp
Tiffany style lamps can be a truly elegant design feature of any room, and it can take a lot of time to find the perfect one. Remember that distinctive lighting fixtures like Tiffany glass lamps not only give some necessary height in a room grouping, they also light everything up.
But what happens if you can’t find the lamp you’re looking for? The answer is easy: just make your own. It’s not that hard to make a Tiffany lamp, and the results can be truly stunning.
The hardest part is actually finding Tiffany lamp patterns. I’ve had many visitors to the site asking where they can get a good guide to make a Tiffany lamp. After some research, I’ve come up with the following recommendation.
“Creating Stained Glass Lampshades” by James H. Hepburn is the best product I’ve come across. It was unavailable for a few years, but has now been republished, to the relief of all those who want to make a Tiffany lamp of their own.
The new reprint has a ton of ideas for stained glass patterns for Tiffany lamps. It gives instructions on how to make a Tiffany lamp for everyone from beginners to advanced. There are also step by step instructions on how to design a pattern, create a lamp form, cut the glass, solder, wire, and choose a lamp base.
This how-to guide to make a Tiffany lamp can be purchased at Amazon. Click here to order.
Remember that the most essential accessory in any room is a lamp. Too often they’re a last minute decision and end up being completely unremarkable. But if you take the time to design and make a Tiffany lamp, you can be sure that everyone will remark on it.
But what happens if you can’t find the lamp you’re looking for? The answer is easy: just make your own. It’s not that hard to make a Tiffany lamp, and the results can be truly stunning.
The hardest part is actually finding Tiffany lamp patterns. I’ve had many visitors to the site asking where they can get a good guide to make a Tiffany lamp. After some research, I’ve come up with the following recommendation.
“Creating Stained Glass Lampshades” by James H. Hepburn is the best product I’ve come across. It was unavailable for a few years, but has now been republished, to the relief of all those who want to make a Tiffany lamp of their own.
The new reprint has a ton of ideas for stained glass patterns for Tiffany lamps. It gives instructions on how to make a Tiffany lamp for everyone from beginners to advanced. There are also step by step instructions on how to design a pattern, create a lamp form, cut the glass, solder, wire, and choose a lamp base.
This how-to guide to make a Tiffany lamp can be purchased at Amazon. Click here to order.
Remember that the most essential accessory in any room is a lamp. Too often they’re a last minute decision and end up being completely unremarkable. But if you take the time to design and make a Tiffany lamp, you can be sure that everyone will remark on it.
How to Light a Room Using Quoizel Lamps
There are all different types of lighting. No space is complete without the perfect lighting setup. There are all types of lighting setups to buy. There are floor lamps. There are chandeliers. You can go for a more elegant type of lighting. A popular way to light a room up these days is to use Quoizel lamps. Quoizel lamps are similar in design to Tiffany glass lamps and are great for lighting up any space.
When you consider how you will light a room, you have to think about what you will actually be doing in that space. The types of activities will influence your choice of fixtures or placement. Many times rooms serve several different functions. This must be taken into consideration when choosing the proper lighting for a room. Lighting should also be considered when putting the focus on certain elements of the room.
Lamps are a great key source of light for a single room. Lamps are easy, convenient, and are usually inexpensive. They are good for reading and setting a calm relaxing mood. Lighting can serve as a piece of art. Think of all the different lighting design and layouts you have seen in your lifetime. Often lamps and other decorative lighting make good conversation pieces. Because Quoizel lamps come in such elegant designs, they often make the perfect art piece. They are the perfect way to accent any room. Also, often Quoizel lamps come in stained glass.
Quoizel lamps are often timeless pieces. Quoizel avoids using trends and fads as a way to decorate and design the lamp. Rather, they lean more toward a balance between form and function. Quoizel is a privately owned family run company, and even though it is a big business today, it has never lost its small business, home grown feel. The company has been in business for 70 years. It was founded in 1930 in New York. Recently the company has moved to Charleston, South Carolina.
Quoizel is more than just the lighting and accessories. The company is in the business of designing. Quoizel lamps can be a great addition to your living room.
Perfectly lighting a room is all about creativity and spontaneity. There are many different ways to light a room, and there are many different ways to bring life to entire house. Why not try doing it with some decorative lamps? You may be surprised at what you get.
When you consider how you will light a room, you have to think about what you will actually be doing in that space. The types of activities will influence your choice of fixtures or placement. Many times rooms serve several different functions. This must be taken into consideration when choosing the proper lighting for a room. Lighting should also be considered when putting the focus on certain elements of the room.
Lamps are a great key source of light for a single room. Lamps are easy, convenient, and are usually inexpensive. They are good for reading and setting a calm relaxing mood. Lighting can serve as a piece of art. Think of all the different lighting design and layouts you have seen in your lifetime. Often lamps and other decorative lighting make good conversation pieces. Because Quoizel lamps come in such elegant designs, they often make the perfect art piece. They are the perfect way to accent any room. Also, often Quoizel lamps come in stained glass.
Quoizel lamps are often timeless pieces. Quoizel avoids using trends and fads as a way to decorate and design the lamp. Rather, they lean more toward a balance between form and function. Quoizel is a privately owned family run company, and even though it is a big business today, it has never lost its small business, home grown feel. The company has been in business for 70 years. It was founded in 1930 in New York. Recently the company has moved to Charleston, South Carolina.
Quoizel is more than just the lighting and accessories. The company is in the business of designing. Quoizel lamps can be a great addition to your living room.
Perfectly lighting a room is all about creativity and spontaneity. There are many different ways to light a room, and there are many different ways to bring life to entire house. Why not try doing it with some decorative lamps? You may be surprised at what you get.
Tiffany Glass Lamps
Tiffany glass lamps are among the most attractive and beautiful styles of lighting available. They are also one of the most expensive, with prices ranging from $100 to $5,000. Most people find that these lamps serve a dual purpose of providing illumination as well as serving as a decorative piece in the room.
Louis Comfort Tiffany, a well-known American artist, first created Tiffany glass lamps. Most designs generally incorporate stained glass as a decorative feature. The creator wanted to ensure that the colors and details of the models were well-maintained though the production process so he used the copper-foil technique, resulting in unique and beautiful lamp shades with intricate bronze bases. Some of the popular designs available include the wisteria and dragonfly mosaics.
In the past, Tiffany glass lamps were made solely by hand, but modern times have developed faster ways to produce them. There are hundreds of designs available coming in a variety of patterns, sizes and price tags. You may initially want to buy your Tiffany lamps based on affordability, but also consider the styles since it can make or break the essence and atmosphere of your room.
The lamp shade may be the most unique feature in Mr. Tiffany’s creations. Geometric glass shades are leaded and comprised of different basic shapes made from poured glass, cut in segments, edged in copper foil then melded together. Floral design shades feature both geometric and floral patterns and usually come in two types, namely leaf or scattered floral.
Tiffany glass lamps may also have a cone-shaped shade featuring extensive floral patterns with straight sides and circular rims. This is the category where the dragonfly shades belong and are usually very expensive.
Some Tiffany glass lamps feature globe-shaped shades that are quite hard to make but are more detailed than cone-shaped models. The lamp shade has a dome figure allowing more intricate designs of flowers and insects. The shades are usually anywhere from 12 to 28 inches in size.
Another style of Tiffany glass lamps features an irregular lower border that has greater natural form with flowing rims. These shades are usually globe-shaped with the lower border having an irregular form. The most sophisticated shade design in Tiffany lamps features irregular upper or lower regions with an openwork crown reminiscent of tree branches. This is how the wisteria is made, depicting well-cut glass with a rich variety of colors.
Louis Comfort Tiffany, a well-known American artist, first created Tiffany glass lamps. Most designs generally incorporate stained glass as a decorative feature. The creator wanted to ensure that the colors and details of the models were well-maintained though the production process so he used the copper-foil technique, resulting in unique and beautiful lamp shades with intricate bronze bases. Some of the popular designs available include the wisteria and dragonfly mosaics.
In the past, Tiffany glass lamps were made solely by hand, but modern times have developed faster ways to produce them. There are hundreds of designs available coming in a variety of patterns, sizes and price tags. You may initially want to buy your Tiffany lamps based on affordability, but also consider the styles since it can make or break the essence and atmosphere of your room.
The lamp shade may be the most unique feature in Mr. Tiffany’s creations. Geometric glass shades are leaded and comprised of different basic shapes made from poured glass, cut in segments, edged in copper foil then melded together. Floral design shades feature both geometric and floral patterns and usually come in two types, namely leaf or scattered floral.
Tiffany glass lamps may also have a cone-shaped shade featuring extensive floral patterns with straight sides and circular rims. This is the category where the dragonfly shades belong and are usually very expensive.
Some Tiffany glass lamps feature globe-shaped shades that are quite hard to make but are more detailed than cone-shaped models. The lamp shade has a dome figure allowing more intricate designs of flowers and insects. The shades are usually anywhere from 12 to 28 inches in size.
Another style of Tiffany glass lamps features an irregular lower border that has greater natural form with flowing rims. These shades are usually globe-shaped with the lower border having an irregular form. The most sophisticated shade design in Tiffany lamps features irregular upper or lower regions with an openwork crown reminiscent of tree branches. This is how the wisteria is made, depicting well-cut glass with a rich variety of colors.
High Quality Tiffany Lamps Enhance Your Decor
Traditionally, Tiffany glass lamps were made by hand by expert craftsmen during the art nouveau era. Floral and foliage designs are the identifying characteristics of these multicolored glass lighting fixtures. There were also shades that depicted various airborne creatures like dragonflies and birds in stylized patterns. They normally included vibrant shades in a range of colors, and were dazzling even unlit. However once turned on, these lighting fixtures are exceptionally magnificent in appearance.
Obviously there is no match for the original hand crafted designs, but the cost to acquire an original would be enormous. Most individuals can only afford reproduction or Tiffany inspired lamps as part of their home decoration. Yet even if they’re not the real thing, they are still very appealing. Here are some guidelines on how to pick out good quality Tiffany style lighting fixtures that you can be proud to show off in your house.
You can buy hand crafted replicas of Tiffany stained glass lamps that are less pricey than purchasing an antique original. Then again, they are still more costly than those that are factory manufactured. If you’re thinking about purchasing a first-rate reproduction, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can regarding the manufacturing process.
In these situations, if you intend to spend a fair bit of money, you want to make certain that what you’re purchasing is good quality and will endure for many years. Any trustworthy manufacturer of good quality lighting merchandise will have no trouble disclosing this information. However if you have difficulty obtaining the facts you’re searching for, you can likely assume that the lamp you’re considering isn’t manufactured to the utmost standards.
If you’re thinking about getting a made to order replica, you will need to carefully check the available designs and patterns and opt for what will fit best within the overall theme of your interior. Think about both the style and colors of the light. When you’re indulging in a Tiffany lamp reproduction, you don’t want to wind up with something that looks incompatible in your home.
Even though manufacturers will offer imitation lamps designed exactly to the original, you can also decide to modify the hues, theme or patterns for a customized light. This is a great way to get the sense of a Tiffany lamp in a style that matches your interior design.
Some people recognize just what they want in a Tiffany reproduction. For those who are unsure, they need to do some exploration on the internet for pictures of typical patterns and designs. It’s also a good plan to study sites that feature these lamps in real residential surroundings. In this way you can better picture how it will appear in your house.
Obviously there is no match for the original hand crafted designs, but the cost to acquire an original would be enormous. Most individuals can only afford reproduction or Tiffany inspired lamps as part of their home decoration. Yet even if they’re not the real thing, they are still very appealing. Here are some guidelines on how to pick out good quality Tiffany style lighting fixtures that you can be proud to show off in your house.
You can buy hand crafted replicas of Tiffany stained glass lamps that are less pricey than purchasing an antique original. Then again, they are still more costly than those that are factory manufactured. If you’re thinking about purchasing a first-rate reproduction, it’s a good idea to learn as much as you can regarding the manufacturing process.
In these situations, if you intend to spend a fair bit of money, you want to make certain that what you’re purchasing is good quality and will endure for many years. Any trustworthy manufacturer of good quality lighting merchandise will have no trouble disclosing this information. However if you have difficulty obtaining the facts you’re searching for, you can likely assume that the lamp you’re considering isn’t manufactured to the utmost standards.
If you’re thinking about getting a made to order replica, you will need to carefully check the available designs and patterns and opt for what will fit best within the overall theme of your interior. Think about both the style and colors of the light. When you’re indulging in a Tiffany lamp reproduction, you don’t want to wind up with something that looks incompatible in your home.
Even though manufacturers will offer imitation lamps designed exactly to the original, you can also decide to modify the hues, theme or patterns for a customized light. This is a great way to get the sense of a Tiffany lamp in a style that matches your interior design.
Some people recognize just what they want in a Tiffany reproduction. For those who are unsure, they need to do some exploration on the internet for pictures of typical patterns and designs. It’s also a good plan to study sites that feature these lamps in real residential surroundings.
Tiffany Studios Acorn lamp

A collection of leaded glass lamps and reverse-painted lamps will be featured. A Tiffany Studios Acorn lamp that stands 18 1/2 inches high and has a 14-inch diameter shade is expected to bring $10,000-$20,000. An American lamp made by J.A. Whaley Co. in a Tulip pattern, 18 inches in diameter and 21 1/2 inches high, has a $2,000-$4,000 estimate. A Chicago Mosaic leaded glass Cherry Tree lamp standing 22 inches high with an 18 1/2-inch shade also has a $2,000-$4,000 estimate. It was made circa 1915-1930.
Church salvage sale includes pews, stained glass windows
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